April 14, 2011

B's Birthday

Madelyn's favorite little guy turned 3 at the beginning of April and had a great party. The party was toy story themed because Banner loves Buzz Lightyear and the rest of the gang. Bannie had a huge jump jump house at his party. Madelyn always runs to the front door to look out every morning for Bannie and she saw the jump jump. She came running into the kitchen and said "mama buzz ightyear at Bannie's house. Thank goodness we got invited over to jump in our pj's before the party, Madelyn might have broken the door down. Madelyn had so much fun jumping in the huge jump jump with her Bannie, she was in heaven. Then we had a little melt down when we had to go home to get dress for the party.
 Not in the mood for pictures, she was ready to jump!

Oh here he comes Miss Shannon I can hardly wait!
Birthday boy, taking a present into the jump jump
Pure Joy

Madelyn and Bannie didn't jump a lot during the party
When everyone left Madelyn and Banner ran and got in the jump jump and Banner said "yes we have our jump jump back", oh these two are a mess!

Jumping with the daddies
Isn't this the cutest Birthday boy ever! His outfit is pretty cute too it I do say myself (made by mom and I). 
These two jump into the night. When we finally pulled Madelyn out she was so upset. She cried forever and even daddy couldn't calm her down. The next day she was upset and wanted to know where the jump jump was. I asked Banner the next day if he had fun at his party and before he could even speak Madelyn yelled out yes yes! Now if you ask Madelyn what she wants for her birthday she says a jump jump in the most pitiful voice. I wasn't planning on getting one but I caved and ordered one for her party since that's all she talks about.  Since I ordered it a week before her party the only one they had left was a sports theme one but something tells me that she won't even noticed that her jump jump doesn't go with her cat theme party. We shall see.

April 7, 2011

How in the world

did we go from these tiny newborn diapers
to these size 4 diapers
to these big girl panties
in less than two years?
Oh how my teeny tiny little baby has grown so quickly into a big girl.
Posing with Kyser before music class this morning. She looks like a little girl in this picture.
Yes this is an Easter outfit from last year that she wore as a dress, this year its a shirt. I love cute clothes that you can get two years out of.