or 730 days or just 2 years old! I know I have probably said this every month but I truly can not believe that Madelyn is two years old! I don't think you really believe people when they say "cherish every second because they grow up fast" until you have a child of your know and then you know just how quickly the time flies. The last two years of my life have changed so much, I don't even remember what we did before Madelyn. Yes the past two years I have been tired, I have at some point in the day had spit up, pee, poop, throw up, hiney paste on me and random food in my hair and some days I've had all of the above but I would not trade this wonderfully messy out of control life for anything in the world, not even for a day. It seems like just a few months ago I was bringing home a tiny newborn and was scared to death that we were going to do something wrong. Well two years later and we must be doing something right. Madelyn is such a happy child, her sweet smile just lights up my life. She is potty trained, very polite, very social, talks a lot and about everything and she asks questions all day long. She is a wild one and such a sassy little priss that knows what she wants. Madelyn definately keeps us on our toes. She still has that sparkle in her eyes that she did the day she was born, she sparkle that no amount of money can ever buy. She is very strong willed, dramatic, fearless (except of the wind, yes right now she is scared of the wind), loves to play and hide, be the center of attention and put on a show. She loves to dance and sing. Some of her favorite songs are the itsy bitsy spider, bow wow wow dog song, happy birthday, ring around the rosie and songs she makes up herself.
Madelyn is such a funny little girl. Spencer and I are always laughing at the things she says and does.
The other day my dad said to her "Madelyn this time next year you will be 3 years old" Madelyn sighed and said "I'm just too old!" Ha- where does she come up with this stuff
We were practicing saying her whole name all morning and after nap I asked her what her whole name was and she said "I don't know, ask daddy"
Last week Mymy asked her if she wanted to take Aubry and Paisley to the zoo one day and in her sassy voice she said " ummmm I just don't know". I guess she needed to check her activities calender.
She has started to name her babies. She named her huge stuffed kitty from Aunt Sarah, Doggie and when you ask her it's name she says "his name Doggie" He also wear a huge hot pink bow on HIS neck!
She named her little kitty "cupcake", she wanted to her it Bannie but I told her kitty needed a different name since we already have the real Bannie and then Bannie baby doll. She loves Bannie just a little.
This girl plays hard and loves hard too. She loves to give hugs and kisses. I love when she puts her arm around Spencer or I and says "hey buddy" or when she tells me I'm her best friend. Oh it just melts my heart. I hope she feels the same way when she's 16! My favorite part of the day is when I'm taking Madelyn upstairs to her room and she says " Good night Daddy, Good night Keyser, I love you Keyser, I love you daddy and then she gives me a big hug, says I love you and seals it with a big kiss. Once in bed she always says cover feet, even though they are covered, they have to be covered a certain way and then she says "turn light off" just in case I forget. Some nights she falls right asleep and then other nights she talks for a bit because she has a lot to say these days.
I have a love/hate relationship with Madelyn getting older. I hate that she is getting older and is no longer the tiny baby I brought home from the hospital but I love seeing her growing and changing and learning new things everyday. The one thing I want Madelyn to know and remember forever is that she is loved by her daddy and I (and a lot of other people) more than she will ever know. I know that Madelyn will be great at whatever she does when she grows up but my hope is that she always keeps that sparkle in her eyes and that great smile on her sweet little face and that she never forgets that mommy and daddy love her and will always be there for her (no matter what kind of crazy shenanigans she gets into)! I can't wait to see what Madelyn has in store for us in the next year.
My Brain is Full
7 years ago
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